Join The Plot

How would you like your ideas to become part of the plot. I think it could be lots of fun to write this book together. Send me your ideas, and watch the plot thicken.

Follow The Plot

Follow the plot. The plot is ongoing, They will show up last paragraph first. If you want to be a part of the book just send me your ideas, and we will consider adding them to the plot. You will get credit as a contributor in the final printing.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Chapter One The pond

Chapter One

The Pond

Out in a lonely secluded spot in the country, off of a dusty clay road, sets a beautiful pond shadowed only by moss drenched southern oaks reaching out as if they were protecting the stilled area around them, concealing a treasure not yet ready to be revealed. Could it be they know the onlooker is not quite ready for the treasure the pond has to give up. Who is this mysterious onlooker, why is he there, what is he looking for? The peace, and serenity is almost sterile, bringing  forth an inquisitive anticipation of a secret yet to be told. What will it reveal, who will be the first to find the hidden secrets of the pond? Who is the onlooker?

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