Join The Plot

How would you like your ideas to become part of the plot. I think it could be lots of fun to write this book together. Send me your ideas, and watch the plot thicken.

Follow The Plot

Follow the plot. The plot is ongoing, They will show up last paragraph first. If you want to be a part of the book just send me your ideas, and we will consider adding them to the plot. You will get credit as a contributor in the final printing.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Cross. The Final Chapter

The Pond The Fire The Cross

Now as I come to the end of writing this book the plot has been laid, the foundation is solid. As much as I would like to continue on , and share the ending, I can't. Now the process begins in getting this work ready for publishing. It has been such an experience writing this book, and spending time at the pond. See you at the cross!

The final Chapter

The Judge enters the room, the bailiff says would everyone rise for the honorable
Judge Blankenship. He sits, the crowd sits, and there is a deafening silence. As the judge stares down at his verdict, and ponders what he has written something strange is going on in the back of the room. Ben and his lawyer turns around to see what this spectacle is. They can hardly believe their eyes. The stranger is entrenched in a group of women with some type of clothing that does not seem of this world, and it’s as if the entire courtroom has frozen in time.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Final Chapter

The Pond The Fire The Cross

I'm on the last chapter. I should be finished by the end of next month with the prologue. Go to the beginning of the blog if you would like to catch up. It's been quite a journey writing this book. I can't wait to see how it ends!

Paul the CEO and several of the Strong electric team is sitting in the witness room waiting on their turn to testify. Ben knows they are there, and wonders why. He thought they were on his side, but now he wanders. His mind takes off, painting pictures of different scenarios of things he believes they may be saying. Then he captures his thoughts, and the newfound peace he had only seconds ago returns. Far on the other side of the room he see’s out of the corner of his eyes the stranger. They glimpse at each other and smile. Ben thinks , this is good.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Final Chapter

The Pond The Fire The Cross

It has been quite a ride! This week I will be finishing the The Pond The Fire and The Cross. I want to think all of the thousands of committed followers who began this journey with me. I have learned a lot , and look forward to seeing where this road takes me. Now it's time for the editing and placement. Please keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


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Now we see Ben and Susan getting in touch with God. Do you understand how they got there. As the desire burns you will have the opportunity to watch them grow in their hand delivered message that was catered especially for them. Join them in their feast, and you,  may find that there is a meal prepared just for you. All you have to do is dig in! Love God!

I'm am presently writing the afterword section of The Pond The Fire and the Cross. I hope you can hang on long enough to read this important part of this book. It's full of hope, and pictures of what life can be like if you have God in your life. I have enjoyed writing this book and will continue on the journey to the cross!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Coffee With God: Holds Stops Goes

Coffee With God: Holds Stops Goes: Hold, Stop, Go I asked, “Why is it we hear and read ...

The Judge Speaks

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Ben walks into the judge's chamber and to his amazement the stranger is setting behind the desk. He’s thinking how could this be, it doesn't make sense. The stranger tells Ben to have a seat. Everyone else is still standing and looking at Ben as if he’s the main attraction. His lawyer walks over and takes a seat by Ben, and grabs his hand. There’s definitely something very strange going on here. There are times when things happen and you just can’t explain it. This is one of those times. A peace fills the room as the stranger begins to speak.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Shadow

I'm on the last Chapter of the Pond, The Fire, and the Cross. The secret of the Pond will be revealed soon. Hang in there, it will be worth it.

Image result for pics of a shadow of a man by a pond

Ben’s attorney approaches the bench, and begins whispering to the judge. Immediately the judge calls for a one hour recess. Ben’s is freaking out, and his blood pressure just lit up the courtroom. His attorney leans over and tells him they will be meeting with the judge in his chmbers. As the Prosecutor, Ben and his Attorney begin to enter the Judge's chambers He notices the stranger, rising to his feet. To his befuddlement the stranger heads into the Judge’s chambers also.. Ben flashes back to the pond, and remembers the shadow he saw in the distance. The pond is boiling!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The thought train

Image result for pics of a thought train

Paul the CEO and several of the Strong electric team is sitting in the witness room waiting on their turn to testify. Ben knows they are there and wonders why. He thought they we’re on his side, but now he wanders. Hi mind takes off, painting pictures of different scenarios of things he believes they may be saying. Then he captures his thoughts, and the new found peace he had only seconds ago returns. Far on the other side of the room he see’s out of the corner of his eyes the stranger. They glimpse at each other and smile. Ben thinks , this is good.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Pond The Beginning

The Pond The Fire The Cross

Out in a lonely secluded spot in the country, off of a dusty clay road, sets a beautiful pond shadowed only by moss drenched southern oaks reaching out as if they were protecting the stilled area around them, concealing a treasure not yet ready to be revealed. Could it be they know the onlooker is not quite ready for the treasure the pond has to give up. Who is this mysterious onlooker, why is he there, what is he looking for? The peace, and serenity is almost sterile, bringing  forth an inquisitive anticipation of a secret yet to be told. What will it reveal, who will be the first to find the hidden secrets of the pond? Who is the onlooker?’

It’s been a long morning, and. I haven’t been able to get a thing done. Susan  , a stay at home Mom with a husband who’s never there, is pushed to her limits with two toddlers, and one 6 year old. While she truly loves her children, at times she would like to hock them for a trip to Paris,no different from most Moms who suffer from childitis Between home schooling the six year old, and chasing toddlers all day her mind seems to caught up in a whirlwind  of lonely never ending task.She's thinking surely there must be relief somehow..

We've had a number of great years financially, and if that wasn’t the case we would have to close the doors today. As Paul and Reed can attest too, it’s really not looking good for us. All of the employees at Strong Electric are huddled into the  small conference room like sardines with fearful anticipation  of their futures, wondering who the axe will drop on. As Ben continues to speak you can see the expressions of fear on the faces of his employees.How will I pay my mortgage, will I have to send my kids to public school, how long will it take to find another job, what will my wife, my husband say, these are some of the thoughts running through their minds.. Ben pauses takes a  deep breath, then turns the meeting over to Paul, the CFO of Strong Electric. Now Paul with a stern sad look on his face drops the gauntlet..

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Judgement Day

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The Bailiff announces,please stand the honorable Judge Wycliff will be presiding. Please be seated. Is the prosecution ready? Yes your honor. Is the defense ready? Yes your honor. The court will be presiding over the U.S. government versus Ben Strong, DBA Strong Electric. Is the government ready to present their case? Yes your Honor. Is the defense ready? Yes your Honor. Ben sits quietly as he waits to hear the outcome of his future. He finds himself with a confidence and peace like never before.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Descention


Ben and Susan find themselves at the pond holding hands. They look into the water with a new trust, and slowly start to descend into the depths very slowly, with a guarded view of anticipation. Their feet are in, now their legs, as the water begins to cover them they feel a sensation of safety and peace like never before. Should they allow the water to overtake them are should they keep their heads above water? They go a little deeper.

Monday, February 15, 2016

I shot the sheriff

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Now there’s no doubt the game is over, the playing hide - and seek from each other, and themselves is finished. The unveiling of self has begun and the taking of the beast is at hand. as well the shooting of the little critters crawling around in their lives is taking place one by one.There’s no doubt the pond is full of targets, and their coming into view to be eliminated. Fire!

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Dog And Pony

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Is there any need to go on, Susan asked? What do you mean say’s Ben? You know the dog and pony show. I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The pretending we have it all together. Putting on one face for our friends then switching mask when we’re alone. Ben we’ve tried all of our lives to believe we had all of to the answers when in fact we knew deep inside we were just pretending, and kidding ourselves. So, where do we go from here? The pond opens up.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


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There's a reflection coming from the pond, it appears to be moving, could it just be from the fire? The collating effect of the Pond is having an effect on the Strong’s and their surroundings as if to be drawing everyone , and everything in their lives to a central point. It is as if the pond is swallowing everything up into a vortex of non - destructive delusion of a destructive force. What does this mean? The reflection is calling.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Feast

Image result for pics of a feast

Now we see Ben and Susan getting in touch with God. Do you understand how they got there. As the desire burns you will have the opportunity to watch them grow in their hand delivered message that was catered especially for them. Join them in their feast, and you may find that there is a meal prepared just for you. All you have to do is dig in! Love God!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Gold At The Bottom

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Ben and Susan begin to hug each other and the tears  begin to drip from their cheeks and bind together as if they were one. The warmth of the hug was like the sifting of sand from a mountain stream to get to the bottom to find the gold. Ben turns around to thank the stranger, but he is nowhere to be found. The only answer to his disappearance is to to ask God. The healing ignites!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Glow

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Tongues of fire have surrounded the if they have fallen into a vat of undiscernable anticipation of a future existence that is calling them home. Their eagerness to take hold of this newfound existence is becoming paramount to any circumstance in their lives today. Of course, there is always the pull of circumstances glaring and pulling at them like an obnoxious fume of painful anticipation of the unknown. The fire is growing, the fire is burning, the glow is undeniable. The stranger smiles.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Fire Has Ignited


The stranger begins to talk. I’m am here for a purpose, I have been sent as a messenger. I was sent to you without the knowledge of who you are, or where I was going, I was just obedient to the one who sent me. Your prayers have been heard, now is the time to listen to the messenger. All of your mistakes have been forgiven. The time has come for a complete restoration and fulfillment of your relationship with your heavenly Father. The fire has ignited.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


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A whiff of freshly drunk wine spills from Susan’s breath as she speaks. The stranger and Ben smell it but say nothing. Her speech rattles on like a freight train out of control. She cries I have to stop, but can’t. The stranger says if I may ask, stop what? She says the lies , the drinking, the excuses the pain. Ben looks on like a child looking into a kaleidoscope for the first time. Where did that come from he thinks, and how did we get there, I can help exclaims the stranger. They wait.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Trail Of Tears

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Image result for pics of tears

Susan walks into the room with tears flowing down her face. Ben stands up and asks, what’s going on? Susan can hardly speak, I was eavesdropping, and overheard your conversation. My heart was overwhelmed by the fact that I have not been available for my family or God due to my self-absorbed state of  self- pity. I have been covering up my feelings with alcohol and worry. Ben, I am so sorry, God, I am so sorry, please forgive me. The tears flow and lead a trail all the way to the pond, and the stranger pales.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Here There And Everywhere

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There’s a muffled sound in the next room, both men turn their heads to the noise. They ignore it, and go on with their conversation. The plain fact is trust is experienced in a relationship with your Father. How do I have a relationship with someone who’s not even here? Oh, he’s here, and he’s always been there even when you thought he wasn’t. How do you know that Ben asks? I know him personally, and so do you, just not very well yet. Here, and there, and , everywhere says the stranger.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Silence Screams

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You have been praying, and God has been listening. Now is the time for you to gather up your mess, put it in a bundle, package it up, and hand it off to God. How do you do that? It’s simple, you ask him to take it. That’s it, that’s all I have to do, that doesn’t make sense. It will never make sense as long as you try to make sense out of it. Sense won't get you to faith, but trust will. How do I get trust, Ben asks. The silence screams!